Five year historical compound rate for MSFT & GOOG

May 18

A review of the stock price and growth rate for Microsoft and Google over the past five years shows that they track very closely in general. However, the last year shows a marked deviation from this tracking as Microsoft stayed mainly flat and Google demonstrated strong growth. Using the data from the source above, we can project the anticipated stock price in 2018 if the growth rate remains constant over that time. Company Stock May 2008 Current Stock Effective Rate Stock May 2018 Google 580.07 909.18 56.74% 1425.05 Microsoft 29.99 34.87 16.27% 40.54 Here are the calculations used to arrive at the effective rates shown above (click to enlarge). Alternate approach In the example above, I calculate the effective rate based on the delta between May, 2008 and May, 2013. Another approach would be to start with the stock price five years ago and use Excel to find the annual rate (assuming annually compounding interest). In this case we get the following details. Company Annual Rate -5Y Today +5Y Google 9.40419% 580.07 909.18 1,425.02 Microsoft 3.0615% 29.99 34.87 40.55 The answers come out the more or less the same, but it helps to know what the annual interest rate is, not just the effective rate over the five year...

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Microsoft vs. Google – executive compensation

May 18

The course project for Corporate Finance this session involves an analysis of two competing companies, at least one of which is on the Dow. Sources suggested for information include, and Additional insights may be available in the Wall Street Journal. Choice of Microsoft and Google The first question involves a comparison of executive compensation between the two companies chosen. Since I own a software business, I chose Microsoft (MSFT) and Google (GOOG) as competing companies for my evaluation. In the software space, these two companies also represent very different approaches to software design, development and consumer consumption of the end result. Business Models Before I jump in to my analysis, it might be worth mentioning that, while both are software companies, they follow different business models. Microsoft has been more of a traditional software company, selling software as a product. That includes packaging, distribution, wholesale, OEM and other supply chain concerns. Google has been a software as a service (SaaS) company from the beginning. Delivery of their products has been almost exclusively online. Both companies have deviated from their roots in recent years. For example, Microsoft is attempting to move into the cloud  and services space with offerings like Bing, Azure and Office Online. Meanwhile, Google has been moving into a product space with their Android devices and Chromebooks. Google’s purchase of Motorola is further evidence of their interest in the product space.  Compensation Analysis The professor suggested that the 10-k filing would be a good place to get information for this project. Unfortunately, the 10-k filing section for Executive Compensation only made a reference to a Proxy document. I did a little more digging and discovered that I could find the Proxy statement using these steps: Go to In the main search type the company name (ticker symbol doesn’t work). Also make sure the option next to search has “company filings” selected. Click the link under the “CIK” column for the company you want. Multiple results will come up. In my experience, you want the result with the SIC value in the description, as shown below. In the “filter results” panel near the top, type “DEF” into the “Filter Type” box Results are sorted by filing date by default. Choose...

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